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Logo Logistics

Logo basics

A logo is important for a micro business because it helps people recognize and remember your brand. It shows that you’re professional, builds trust, and makes your business stand out from competitors. A good logo can also create an emotional connection with customers and be used consistently on your website, business cards, and social media to make your brand stronger.


But the logo should be super simple…

Where most micro business owners lose their way is how complicated their actual design styling gets. This makes it very hard to replicate the logo when branding a vehicle, doing embroidery on work clothes etc. Many big businesses have to redeisgn their logo at great expense because it becomes impossible to accurately replicate it. 


Instagram illustration of redesigning their logo to be much more streamlined

Bok Radio experienced exactly that problem. Their original logo was too complicated and they ended up redoing it into a simpler style that could cost-effectively be replicated. And even Instagram had to redesign their original but complicated logo. 


Old Bok Radio Logo
New Bok Radio Logo

Quickly design a simple logo with Canva

Step One. Download the offcial Canva app and navigate to the bottom right to “Templates”.


Step one Canva logo design from smart phone

Step Two. Scroll through the “Templates” until you find the “Logo” option.


Step two Canva logo design from smart phone

Step Three. Tap on the “Logos” option and have a look for a simple logo design.


Step three Canva logo design from smart phone

Step Four. Tap on the design and play around with the color etc options.


Step four Canva logo design from smart phone

Use your logo everywhere

You can see I changed the colors and spacing. This logo is easy to replicate with vinyl or with embroidery etc. The Website Guy is not a logo designer nor is logo design offered as a service. Riaan Wessels is just showing you how easy it is to create your own logo from your smart phone. Obviously a professional will create a much better logo. But if you can’t afford a graphic designer, you have this free option.


Step four Canva logo design from smart phone

Riaan can give you advice with your micro business, but he is not a logo designer. 📖

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